Cyber Security, Background Reports, Network Security,
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Digital Forensics


The Data Spartan: A Cyber Security Approach to the Missing Persons Dilemma

Every year, more people go missing. Those who are not immediately found are often victims of human trafficking and other terrible fates. This problem requires a modern and scalable solution that can help mitigate the risk to our society. To solve this problem, TDS built the “Search Party” platform to allow the community to collect and process open source intelligence during virtual operations known as TDS OSINT Search Parties. TDS has taken the traditional Search & Rescue approach and evolved it to be virtual and global, which allows anyone around the world to use their cyber skills for good.

Protect Your Computer, Your Family & Online Reputation

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[pricing-table package_style=”pricing–norbu” package_name=”Assisted Cases” package_subtitle=”The Data Spartan has coordinated OSINT investigations into missing persons cases from all around the world, assisting dozens of law enforcement agencies.” package_price=”200″ button_url=”#” button_text=”Get Involved” animation=”fadeInUp” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color1=”” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color2=””]

[pricing-table package_style=”pricing–norbu” package_name=”Search Parties” package_subtitle=”The Data Spartan has run OSINT Search Parties internationally, bringing together thousands of skilled investigators, hackers, and enthusiasts to help find missing persons.” package_price=”35″ button_url=”#” button_text=”Get Involved” animation=”fadeInUp” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color1=”” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color2=””]

[pricing-table package_style=”pricing–norbu” package_name=”Members Strong” package_subtitle=”The Data Spartan community is always growing. Join our community on our private facebook group for daily discussions on all things OSINT.” package_price=”10,000″ button_url=”#” button_text=”Get Involved” animation=”fadeInUp” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color1=”” package_background_style3_hover_gradient_color2=””]


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